Cut | | July 25, 2018

Blood Moon

Credit: KT


On top of a full moon, a total lunar eclipse is taking place this Saturday – and it will be the longest one of this century. To summarise the celestial event in Layman’s terms: prepare for batshit crazy this weekend.


Thanks to MIDNIGHTS by REDDS, here’s what you need to know about which side of the night you will need to be.


What’s all the hubbub?


While we typically experience up to 4 lunar eclipses per year, this upcoming cosmic event is exceptionally rare because, for one, the eclipse will coincide during the full moon, and secondly, the sun, Earth an moon will all be perfectly aligned at the same time.


Add that one to an oddly satisfying compilation.


When and where?


In Australia, as the moon rises on rises this Friday, July 27, we will be able to experience the moon entering earth’s shadow at 4:24AM, with the total eclipse kicking off at 5:30AM.


This means that we get to catch the lunar eclipse as the moon sets. How romantic.


The totality of the lunar eclipse – when the moon glows a beguiling blood red colour – will last 1 hour and 43 minutes. The entire event, however, will total about 6 hours and 13 minutes.




You won’t need special glasses or equipment for this one. Too bad Trump won’t be able to (safely) enjoy this fact, as the timing of this total lunar eclipse means it won’t be visible from North America.


For information on any specific locations for viewing the cosmic event, or to track the different points of the process, is your best friend.


Try not to miss this one:


We won’t have another total lunar eclipse until May 2021.


Keep an eye on the sky and the time; make sure you’re on the right side of Midnight this weekend. 5am Saturday morning, that is.