Cut | February 27, 2018

It’s not quite the robot uprising we were expecting, but driverless trucks are now giving NASCAR drivers a run for their money.


For most of my life, robots were a huge disappointment. In comparison to their film counterparts, we were limited to toasters with two slots.



Now, it’s all changed, with robots basically confirmed to replace humanity in the near future.



But that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun with tech for the time being.


In November, Elon Musk unveiled the first electric semi truck, a truck that is not only good for the environment, but one that drives itself.


With great power comes great responsibility, as a YouTube video of the truck was caught stressing its tires with intense acceleration. Now we can break the rules at the hands of a computer …  take that logic.



You may think you’ve seen this before, and you have.


Back in 1999, The Simpsons predicted driverless trucks used by long haul delivery companies, which is exactly what they are intended for. Companies including UPS and Anheuser-Busch are already in place to be hitting the roads in the near future.


Did you know LA is also one of the world’s biggest smokers of pot? Coincidence? I think not.


Photo by Tesla