For the last 10 years Purple Sneakers has stood for everything no one wanted too (especially our Government). It stood for the emerging artists, the stage divers, the 3am kebabs, the early arrivers, the late leavers and anyone who doesn’t fit into societies boxes.
Without them we would not see the diversity to the underground dance music culture Australia now offers.
Even though the cities have died down, the clubs are slowly turning off their lights earlier and there are no longer that 3am greasy kebab, Purple Sneakers 10th Birthday Party at The Lord Gladstone was a reminder of the vibrant music and arts scene Australia still has (even if it has been swept under the Government’s rug).
With a selection of emerging artists and Sydney’s old classics it showed that we still have some bright talent in a music climate that is as politically charged as Sydney’s.
Happy Birthday Purple Sneakers. Thank you for being you and not giving a shit about what anyone else thinks.

Photos by Life Without Andy