Cut | | April 27, 2017

So Trump vehemently proposed earlier this year that America would raise a wall with Mexico.


Nearing the end of his first 100 days of presidency, there’s an abundance of theories surrounding who will pay for it.  It was established early on that Mexico wouldn’t cough up, another senator reckons El Chapo should chip in $$$ with seized drug money.


FYI, the 30 foot high wall is estimated at 70 billion dollars.





Now let’s put the 2200 miles into perspective on the land down under, revealing how idiotic and expensive this plan is. It would literally slice us (and the koalas) from Sydney to Katherine. Yes folks, that’s 3540 km. Thx Google Maps.


How about that for your next road trip?


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We continued taking the piss (as we do):


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While we don’t have a solution for America’s border security and ‘the illegal flow of drugs’, it’s downright offensive to our IQ to think it would be fortifying the border with a wall.



Words: Leah Teperski
Cover Image: Nat Geo