Cut | | April 10, 2017

Those weekly ALDI specials are dangerous. You never released that you needed that 15 piece scooter repair kit set before you saw that ALDI were selling it, for one week only, at $59.95. Or that oversized beanbag for only a small chunk of your weekly beer dosh.

We’ll they’ve done it again, with the release of their blow up hot tubs.



The four person cesspool tub of love inflates to over 2 meters wide and 70cm deep, complete with a circulation pump (thank god), 120 air jets and a 2200W heater.

Sounds legit to me.


No longer will you have to live like a pleb without this basic luxury, plus you’ve now got the perfect excuse to make the move back to your place after a night out..


They’re currently for sale only in the UK at the moment for £299.99 ($A495), with plans for release in Australia shortly. Stay tuned to your letter box for the ALDI catalogue.
