Beer Pong, the game that’s upped the vibe of house parties, defined cinema history with incredibly slurry moments and has spat pure competition into the eyes of your closest friends. It’s a game that determines who is truly there to support you, and reveals those who clearly just want to see you get totally fucked up and embarrass yourself, leaving a trail of career-ending Snapchats and DMs in the process.
Or is that just us?
We’ve compiled a list of ways to amp your game up and send your night into total disarray. Good luck.
1. Truth or Dare
Add a T and D onto the bottom of each cup to be revealed once you’re finished guzzling. Use this as the prime opp to reveal your innermost secrets and test the shame limits of your friends.
2. Tie One Hand Behind Your Back
This will test the skill of your opponents ten-fold.
3. Missing Penalties
Take another shot, mix two spirits, go ‘live’ on Instagram… the possibilities are endless here.
4. Surprise Cup*
Once you’ve properly adjusted your beer goggles with a game of Kings Cup, a cocktail of spirits, acai juice, beers, sriracha, ciders, mixers (any liquid in sight will do) should sit comfortably as the centerpiece of each formation.
5. Blindfolded
This could extend the game indefinitely but hey, life’s an adventure.
7. Nudie Run
Losing team runs naked around the block/ street/ shopping centre/ park the game is being held at. Simple.
*Disclaimer: We’re not your mum – but you know, drink responsibly.
Sound like nothing but a good time? You can cop our Cup Pong packs right here & accompany it with our sleek new beer pong tables.
Check out the epic beer pong game in the video for Lil Yachty & Young Thug’s collab On Me.
Header image via Columbia Pictures