Cut | | July 19, 2017

John Hopkins University in Marylands is set to embark on a medical experiment that is sure to get the philosophical thinkers and stoners amongst us excited.


According to a report by IFL Science, a group of scientists are set to take religious leaders of multiple faiths to test the effects of the drug  psilocybin (the active ingredient in magic mushrooms) on the spiritual experience.




The experiment will involve 20 leaders of varying faiths, who will each be given a strong dosage of the drug and a day to contemplate their faith. Sounds like an afternoon well spent.


Leader of the experiment, Dr William Richards said this,


“It’s too early to talk about results, but generally people seem to be getting a deeper appreciation of their own religious heritage… the dead dogma comes alive for them in a meaningful way. They discover they really believe this stuff they’re talking about.”




This isn’t the only drug-positive news we’ve heard this week, with a state in Oregon passing a bill set to decriminalise illicit substances.